REV Axle Collar

REV Axle Collar

REV Axle Collar

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Available Quantity: 43


The REV Axle Collar is offered in 30, 40, and 50mm sizes and serves two important purposes in karting.

1) Prevent Your Axle From Shifting

The most common use for Axle Collars is to prevent the axle from shifting. To accomplish this, install the axle collars inside the bearing cassette. This added layer of protection is a cost-effective way to ensure the axle stays in place. Despite using locktite, Axle Set Screws (Grub Screws) often loosen during races, making the use of Axle Collars crucial. A shifting axle can lead to major issues like brake rubbing, poor handling, and even disqualification due to the tire being outside the bumper. 

2) Add Rear Grip

Additionally, when positioned against the rear hub, Axle Collars can improve rear grip to your go kart, acting like a longer rear hub. This simple, yet valuable, installation is especially useful for testing different Go Kart Setups.

Order The Right Size

It is important to order the correct size for your axle; double check your kart but for most chassis brands:

Cadet/Mini -30mm
4 Cycle Jr/Sr - 40mm
2 Cycle Jr/Sr - 50mm

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